Javier Senosiain's bio architecture
Javier Senosiain's bio-architecture. Javier Senosiain (1948), is a Mexican architect that bases his work on a biological interpretationque of the forms and the architectural spaces.
Bio-Architecture studies the natural principles of the animals and the human constructions starting from various different perspectives, based in a biological vision of the forms and a predilection for amorphous volumes (some say that organic). In definitive, it's about an architecture that runs from the straight line or the pure volume.
Javier Senosiain's bio architecture. What is bio-architecture, new concepts of organic architecture
Senosain's ecologic architecture brings a design approach that emerges from natural principles, which returns us to our local history, tradition and the cultural roots that give us constructed forms that are in harmony with nature. Bio-architecture also shows how architects can exploit the resources that technology has places at theur reach to resolve unusual forms, complex and hard to be executioned according to traditional techniques.
Javier Senosiain is an architect and historian. he developed an interest for organic architecture through all the world. From the geodesic dome of Buckminster Fuller to the spider web, from the cathedral of Santiago to St John in New York or the roots of a tree. For Senosiain nature has inspired the form.
Ling to Javier Senosiain's web page
At present there exist lots of architectural tendencies that use tags to define theirselves, tags related with the ecological architecture, organic architecture, bioclimatic architecture, etc...
This group of concepts starts to result, in occasions, too complex and can lead to misnuderstandings, confusions and erroneous interpretations.
If you are interested in knowing more about the dossier of confusing terms that appear to talk about the same, we recommend that you read the following articles:
®redactado por equipo editorial de arquitectura.vilssa

Javier Senosiain's bio architecture
Javier Senosiain's bio architecture. What is bio-architecture, new concepts of organic architecture